Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Rainy Day!

It sure was a bit gloomy today, but rain is better than snow this time of year. I am hoping the sun makes its way in time for the weekend.

Today's PTO Meeting went very well. I'd like to thank those who were able to attend. I look forward to working alongside so many devoted members. In my opinion, the PTO plays a vital role in the overall success of the building and I consider myself very fortunate to be working with such a nice group. Be on the lookout for a notice coming home tomorrow for those who may be interested in becoming an officer next year. We will hold an election at next month's meeting.

We had a lot of shoppers visiting the Book Fair today. It will be busy tomorrow, too. Thank you for supporting PTO's efforts. More importantly, thank you for supporting and developing your children's love of reading.
Mr. Masucci