Thursday, March 17, 2011

Check This Out!

I entered the gym this morning and found a sea of green. Many of our students were decked out from head to toe for St. Patrick's Day! Some of our younger students were hot on the trail of a few leprechauns that were seen roaming the building.

When important events take place in our world, I will usually discuss them with your children. However, I will always do so with "kid gloves". Information that will be passed along will often show the positive side of something as opposed to the negative. I shared an amazing story today that reminded me of the book I have been reading to your children. In the book, Ribsy has become lost but continues to demonstrate loyalty and devotion to his owner, Henry Huggins. Like Ribsy, Henry is not giving up on finding his dog. They have a special bond and just may end up experiencing a happy ending. That's just a hunch I have!

The story I shared was about two dogs found among the devastation in Japan. A man videotaping rubble stumbled across them. Although he was speaking a different language, I think I know what he was saying because of the tone of his voice. I think you may appreciate the story, too. Click here to watch it.

Mr. Masucci