Monday, March 7, 2011

It's Monday!

It's Monday and the sun is shining. The first day of Spring is only 13 days away. Maybe we have seen the last of the snow.

I am happy to report that 74 students chose to complete Friday's "virtual assignment". I was able to learn quite a bit about them. We have quite a few wonderful artists here. I enjoyed the pictures. The assignments will be returned tomorrow along with certificates for a free pizza from Papa John's. There will be more assignments posted in the future.

Coming home today is information regarding the Green Team's Placemat Contest. Entries are due by Wednesday, March 16th. I apologize for the short notice. I will always encourage our students to try things like this. After the entries are turned in, I'll randomly pick one student from each grade level (1-4) and invite him/her to eat dinner at my home. My family really enjoys it. In addition, any students who win honors in the contest will be invited. Please encourage your children to participate. Here's another one of my favorite quotes:

"Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out."

-James B. Conant

Mr. Masucci