Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cafeteria News!

I have spent quite a bit of time in the cafeteria during these first two days. I intend to do so for many more. Having so many students eating lunch in a small place is challenging. Noise is inevitable. However, I do not mind "managing" noise. Our 3rd and 4th graders listened this afternoon as I talked a little bit about setting personal goals. Afterwards, I shared one of my goals for our school. I said, "One of my goals is to enter the cafeteria, walk to the other end of it, turn around and walk out without having to say a word about the noise level." This goal may not be reached in two days, but we're one step closer today.

Please ask your children about the book I began reading this morning during our morning announcements. Ribsy is one of my favorite books. I'll read one chapter or so each day. See what they remember about Ribsy, Henry and the Huggins' new car. Some may even recall the big problem Ribsy is dealing with.

Mr. Masucci