Friday, March 4, 2011

Let's Have Some Fun!

Over the course of the week, I have enjoyed getting to know many of our students. It may take some time, but I look forward to getting to know them all. In an attempt to speed this process up a bit, I am posting a "virtual assignment" this weekend. Participation in voluntary.

Those interested will need to complete the assignment and return it to school on Monday, March 7th. Completed assignments will need to have names, grade-levels and room numbers neatly written on them. Parents of our younger students are encouraged to help. Our teachers will collect them in the morning. Here is the assignment:

"5 Things You May Not Know About Me"

1. I love the New York Yankees.
2. I have my very own pizza oven in my backyard. Mmmmmmm!
3. I love to make homemade ravioli.
4. Walt Disney World is my favorite place to visit.
5. As strange as it may sound, I love to cut the grass.

Write down 5 things I do not know about you. Make sure you include your name, grade and room number. Plan on turning your assignment in Monday morning. Feel free to draw a picture if you'd like.

Mr. Masucci