Thursday, March 31, 2011

Green Thumbs!

Beginning Monday, our students will be planting flowers for an upcoming holiday in May. I cannot provide any more clues than that! I have asked our students to bring empty water bottles to school by Monday. They will turned into planters for the flowers.

Saturday's spring clean-up of the Outdoor Classroom is still on! While it may not be the warmest of days, it should be dry enough to get some work done. Please plan on arriving at 9:00 a.m.

I apologize for not getting the information to you about our school's telephone book recycling efforts. It should make it home very soon.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Let Your Fingers Do the Walking!

I am going to try very hard to get information to you tomorrow about our latest recycling contest! I know we can win this one if we all work together. Are those not words of inspiration? On Friday, students may begin to bring in old telephone books that have been cluttering up your drawers for the past 16 years. Please check at work and with family and friends, too. There is a dumpster located in the back of the school that will serve as our collection area. The contest will conclude at the end of April.

I am proud to report that 58 students participated in this year's Placemat Contest. On Friday morning, I will randomly select 1 student from each grade (1-4) who will be invited to my house for dinner. They will be joined by any students from our building that win honors in the contest itself. Thank you for encouraging your children to participate.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Check This Out!

The main entrance to our school is a bit brighter these days. New pictures were added that have sparked quite a few conversations between students. In the future, I plan on adding more pictures in all of the hallways that all of our students can relate to in some way. Be sure to check them out. I will say that I do have a favorite picture. Care to guess?

I hope to see as many volunteers as possible this Saturday who can help clean-up our Outdoor Classroom. If you can help, please plan on arriving around 9:00 a.m.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, March 28, 2011

A New Week!

It sure doesn't feel like April is right around the corner. These last few days have been extremely cold. However, baseball season begins this week. To me, that means "spring has sprung".

Our friend Ribsy managed to get himself into more trouble today. Please be sure to ask your children what they think about the story. I plan on finishing it up early next week. Our next book will be about a 3rd grade girl who loves to invent "gadgets". Unfortunately for her, these gadgets tend to land her in quite a bit of trouble.

I shared a story this morning about a sneaky snake from the Bronx. The cobra escaped from its home at the famous Bronx Zoo. How would you like to have been the zoo employee who made this discovery? Click here to watch the story.

Mr. Masucci

Friday, March 25, 2011

Let's Recycle!

Within a week or two, I'll share information about a recycling contest our building will be participating in. As far as contests go, it's an easy one. In a nutshell, our school will be collecting used telephone books. Please ask your friends, neighbors and relatives for any extra books that they may have around their homes or offices. I know this is a contest Poland Union can win. The books will end up being recycled by the Green Team. I briefly mentioned the contest to our students this morning and shared an interesting story about one baseball team's attempt to improve the environment. Read about it here.

All Green Team poster entries are due on Tuesday, March 29th.

Have a wonderful weekend. Try to stay warm.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Just A Reminder!

I spent a few minutes this morning discussing the importance of getting to school on time. As you know, the school day begins at 8:20 a.m. Students who arrive after 8:20 a.m. are considered tardy. There are very strict guidelines I will always follow when it comes to attendance. If a students arrives late 12 times, a referral will be made to Juvenile Court for a potential hearing. Please make sure your children arrive to school on time. Thank you for your cooperation.

I'd like to thank the devoted parents and PTO volunteers who have been spending Wednesday afternoons with many of our 3rd graders playing the Math 24 Game. The 24 Game is a mathematical card game in which the object is to find a way to manipulate four integers so that the end result is 24. Next Wednesday will be the last session. Enjoy the pictures.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Say Cheese!"

Today's spring pictures went very well. There were quite a few photographers here to speed up the process a bit. Our pre-school students will be photographed tomorrow.

You may have been able to hear a siren at 9:50 this morning signaling the start of the state-wide tornado drill. Our students were able to reach their designated areas in a little under 1 minute. I was very impressed and will be sure to tell them what a nice job they did during tomorrow's morning announcements.

Don't forget about tonight town hall style meeting at McKinley Elementary School. It will begin at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Pictures!

All K-4 students will have their pictures taken tomorrow by Lifetouch photographers. When the pictures are returned to school, they will be sent home. If you like the photographs, you can purchase them. If you would rather not purchase the pictures, simply send them back to school. It's a rather simple system.

Information will soon be heading home with our 4th graders regarding May's 4th Grade Recognition. If you have a 4th grader, please mark Thursday, May 26th on your calendars and be on the lookout for information coming home on Monday, April 4th.

There will be another town hall style meeting tomorrow to discuss the school's upcoming levy. The meeting will take place in the McKinley-PMS Connector and will begin at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring has Sprung.....for a few days!

The warm weather sure made this weekend nice. Unfortunately, colder temperatures are moving in. By the weekend, we'll be shivering again. "Lost and Found" items will be dropped off at a local charity tomorrow. Please stop by the school if you think you may be missing jackets, hats or other articles of clothing.

I am proud to announce that entries for the Green Team's Placemat Contest continue to pour in. All entries need to be submitted no later than March 29th. It's not too late. On March 30th, I will have the entries delivered to the Green Team and will randomly select the names of 4 students who chose to participate in the contest. Those four students and any winners in the contest will be invited to my home for dinner once their parents agree to pick them up! I think we'll fire up the old pizza oven.

Enjoy the pictures from our recent Physics Night!

Mr. Masucci

Friday, March 18, 2011


When I sat down to write today's message, it was close to 70 degrees. I know recess was enjoyed. Let's hope we're able to get outside this weekend, too.

I'd like to thank those who were able to make it out to Physics Night last night. Our guests from Carnegie Science Center did a great job. In addition, the student volunteers we had from PSHS were wonderful to work with. Each one was respectful and helpful. Thank you Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Liddle for making sure everything went well. Our students and staff are fortunate to have such a supportive PTO.

Over the course of the past few days, parents have been stopping by to recover lost jackets, lunchboxes and sweatshirts. All unclaimed articles of clothing will be donated to a local charity Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Check This Out!

I entered the gym this morning and found a sea of green. Many of our students were decked out from head to toe for St. Patrick's Day! Some of our younger students were hot on the trail of a few leprechauns that were seen roaming the building.

When important events take place in our world, I will usually discuss them with your children. However, I will always do so with "kid gloves". Information that will be passed along will often show the positive side of something as opposed to the negative. I shared an amazing story today that reminded me of the book I have been reading to your children. In the book, Ribsy has become lost but continues to demonstrate loyalty and devotion to his owner, Henry Huggins. Like Ribsy, Henry is not giving up on finding his dog. They have a special bond and just may end up experiencing a happy ending. That's just a hunch I have!

The story I shared was about two dogs found among the devastation in Japan. A man videotaping rubble stumbled across them. Although he was speaking a different language, I think I know what he was saying because of the tone of his voice. I think you may appreciate the story, too. Click here to watch it.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cafeteria News!

Our cafeteria is becoming a much calmer place these days. I have spent quite a bit of time sharing my expectations with our students. Students are encouraged to eat their lunches and quietly talk to their friends. They are also asked to make sure they do not leave trash on the tables or floor. After they have had time plenty of time to eat, clean up begins. During this time, I expect them to throw their trash away, check their area for trash and sit quietly before heading to recess. I am happy to report that the behavior has improved dramatically. In addition, many of our students appear to be eating more of their lunches. I appreciate your support.

I know our 3rd and 4th graders are looking forward to tomorrow's Family Physics Night! I'd like to thank Mrs. Shaw for organizing this special event.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Here's the Scoop!

I was informed today that the Green Team has extended the deadline for the Placemat Contest. The new deadline is March 31st. In order for me to get them there in time, all posters must be tuned in to school by Tuesday, March 29th. Please encourage your children to participate. If you need another copy of the guidelines, please feel free to contact me. I'll be happy to help.

I continue to read each morning as part of the new routine. I enter the gym shortly after 8:00 a.m., but do not begin reading or sharing information until the last bus arrives. Please be sure to ask your children what they know about Ribsy. We're about halfway through the book.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, March 14, 2011

Think Spring!

Let's hope this weekend's nasty weather was winter's last stand. It's nice to see the sun shining today. I actually saw tulips pushing their way through the the mulch at my house. Like many of you, I'm ready for warmer weather.

This week will be a busy one. On Wednesday, there will be a levy meeting here at school. It will begin at 7:00 p.m. Family Physics Night will be held on Thursday for 3rd and 4th graders and their parents. Information was sent home about this event several weeks ago.

All Green Team Placemat Posters are due by Wednesday, March 16th. I have been very pleased to see so many being turned in.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, March 10, 2011

More Snow?

Let's hope the weather forecast is wrong. We may be in for a rough night and snow may accumulate quickly. I hope there is no delay or cancellation tomorrow. In the event school is delayed or canceled, students will complete their book fair shopping on Monday. There is a link on the left side of this page that will allow you to shop, too.

I love to apply for grants. While I am turned down more often than I am given funds, it is still a challenge I enjoy. I applied for a $500 grant today from the Ohio Division of Wildlife. I'd like to purchase some items to enhance the building. Keep your fingers crossed!

We have accumulated approximately 75, 324 coats, gloves, hoodies and sweatshirts in the gym. I will put out a table next week and I encourage you take inventory at home. If something is missing, it's probably here at school.

There will be a "town hall" style meeting tonight at Poland North Elementary School to discuss the upcoming school levy. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Our building will host the same type of meeting on Wednesday, March 16th. Check out the calendar link to learn more.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Rainy Day!

It sure was a bit gloomy today, but rain is better than snow this time of year. I am hoping the sun makes its way in time for the weekend.

Today's PTO Meeting went very well. I'd like to thank those who were able to attend. I look forward to working alongside so many devoted members. In my opinion, the PTO plays a vital role in the overall success of the building and I consider myself very fortunate to be working with such a nice group. Be on the lookout for a notice coming home tomorrow for those who may be interested in becoming an officer next year. We will hold an election at next month's meeting.

We had a lot of shoppers visiting the Book Fair today. It will be busy tomorrow, too. Thank you for supporting PTO's efforts. More importantly, thank you for supporting and developing your children's love of reading.
Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

PTO Meeting!

Our monthly PTO Meeting will take place tomorrow morning at 9:15 a.m. in Room 34. I hope you are able to attend. There will be quite a bit to discuss. I have heard wonderful things about our school's PTO and look forward to working alongside so many devoted members. Hope to see you at the meeting.

The Scholastic Book Fair begins tomorrow. Many of our students were able to get a sneak peek today. There are a lot of great books available. I'd like to thank Mrs. Masaki and her committee for all of their time.

I'd like to remind all parents to check in at the office after entering the building. This is a policy that has been established for the safety of all students and staff. Parents are not permitted to walk their children to classes in the morning or interrupt our teachers during the school day. Your continued support is deeply appreciated. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's Monday!

It's Monday and the sun is shining. The first day of Spring is only 13 days away. Maybe we have seen the last of the snow.

I am happy to report that 74 students chose to complete Friday's "virtual assignment". I was able to learn quite a bit about them. We have quite a few wonderful artists here. I enjoyed the pictures. The assignments will be returned tomorrow along with certificates for a free pizza from Papa John's. There will be more assignments posted in the future.

Coming home today is information regarding the Green Team's Placemat Contest. Entries are due by Wednesday, March 16th. I apologize for the short notice. I will always encourage our students to try things like this. After the entries are turned in, I'll randomly pick one student from each grade level (1-4) and invite him/her to eat dinner at my home. My family really enjoys it. In addition, any students who win honors in the contest will be invited. Please encourage your children to participate. Here's another one of my favorite quotes:

"Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out."

-James B. Conant

Mr. Masucci

Friday, March 4, 2011

Let's Have Some Fun!

Over the course of the week, I have enjoyed getting to know many of our students. It may take some time, but I look forward to getting to know them all. In an attempt to speed this process up a bit, I am posting a "virtual assignment" this weekend. Participation in voluntary.

Those interested will need to complete the assignment and return it to school on Monday, March 7th. Completed assignments will need to have names, grade-levels and room numbers neatly written on them. Parents of our younger students are encouraged to help. Our teachers will collect them in the morning. Here is the assignment:

"5 Things You May Not Know About Me"

1. I love the New York Yankees.
2. I have my very own pizza oven in my backyard. Mmmmmmm!
3. I love to make homemade ravioli.
4. Walt Disney World is my favorite place to visit.
5. As strange as it may sound, I love to cut the grass.

Write down 5 things I do not know about you. Make sure you include your name, grade and room number. Plan on turning your assignment in Monday morning. Feel free to draw a picture if you'd like.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Family Literacy Night!

I know our 1st and 2nd graders are excited about tonight's Family Literacy Night. Mrs. Masaki and our teachers have done a wonderful job planning this event. It will be a great way to generate excitement about our upcoming book fair, too. Due to a prior engagement, I will not be able to attend. I will not miss many special events like this. Thank you for understanding.

I seem to be making quite a few updates to our school's calendar page. Please be sure to check it out from time to time. Beginning March 10th, there will be "town hall" style meetings regarding the upcoming school levy. A note explaining the format will be heading home tomorrow.

Be sure to ask about Ribsy tonight. I have a pretty good feeling that little dog is about to get into a lot of trouble!

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cafeteria News!

I have spent quite a bit of time in the cafeteria during these first two days. I intend to do so for many more. Having so many students eating lunch in a small place is challenging. Noise is inevitable. However, I do not mind "managing" noise. Our 3rd and 4th graders listened this afternoon as I talked a little bit about setting personal goals. Afterwards, I shared one of my goals for our school. I said, "One of my goals is to enter the cafeteria, walk to the other end of it, turn around and walk out without having to say a word about the noise level." This goal may not be reached in two days, but we're one step closer today.

Please ask your children about the book I began reading this morning during our morning announcements. Ribsy is one of my favorite books. I'll read one chapter or so each day. See what they remember about Ribsy, Henry and the Huggins' new car. Some may even recall the big problem Ribsy is dealing with.

Mr. Masucci