Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Santa Claus!

As you can imagine, Santa Claus was a BIG hit today. He found time in his busy day to visit all our classrooms and spent time talking with the kids. Despite what Mrs. Claus may say, keep the cookies coming! Santa works up a huge appetite on Christmas Eve.

The next two days will be full of excitement. PSHS's Wind Ensemble will visit tomorrow afternoon to spread a little more holiday cheer. On Thursday, PSHS's Show Choir will stop by and perform for our building. I mentioned to our students that you often here about our high school's athletic programs in the news or on television. While our teams are very talented and made up of devoted players and coaches, these two musical groups are also made up of talented and devoted students who work just as hard. It will be nice for our students to experience their talents.

Mr. Masucci

Friday, December 16, 2011

Coat Drive!

The first batch of coats from our building's "Coat Drive" was handed over to a representative from New Life Church this afternoon. In all, there were over 200 coats donated to those in need. Our students and families should be exceptionally proud. The next batch of coats will be delivered to the Rescue Mission. Please keep in mind that we will continue to collect used coats all the way up until Friday, January 6th.

I'd like to thank the Green Team's Peg Flynn and the parents/grandparents that were able to help out today while our students made holiday ornaments. Mrs. Flynn will be back on Monday to wrap things up.

Have a great weekend.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thank you!

Our building recently received 32 student response systems that were donated to our building by Turning Technologies. These handheld devices will allow students to respond to questions about any topic you can think of by clicking or even texting their responses. Data will immediately be made available to teachers. Included in the donation was the software needed for all of our classrooms. Once the holidays are over, I will arrange training for our staff. Turning Technologies will be participating in our upcoming Family Night for 4th graders and their parents. Their generosity is appreciated!

The Green Team's Peg Flynn will be here tomorrow and Monday to help all of our students create holiday ornaments out of recycled materials. Reserve a place on the tree for these masterpieces!

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Thank You PTO!

I'd like to thank those who were able to make it to our monthly PTO meeting. It's such a busy month, so taking the time to attend means a lot to me and our staff. In addition, I'd like to thank the PTO and Mrs. Albert for the delicious lunch and cupcakes.

Santa's Workshop continues to go well. One thing is for sure.......Poland Union is full of shoppers! Thanks to all of the parents who have taken the time to help and shop and shop and shop and shop.....

Have a great night.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Where's the Snow?

I am getting a little worried since I am a "white Christmas" kind of guy. Where is the snow? It is hard to believe that we are in the middle of December and the weather is this nice. I looked outside yesterday and it looks as if my grass is actually getting greener.

I have received quite a bit of positive feedback about our building's partnership with the Make-A-Wish Foundation and Radio Disney. There will be quite a bit going on when we return from the break, so make sure you continue to check our website and your child's backpack for information coming home.

Our building's new website is currently under construction. I'll be sure to keep you informed.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, December 12, 2011

Big News!

Information is making its way home today about our school's partnership with the Make-A-Wish Foundation and Radio Disney. Beginning in January, our building will begin accepting monetary donations for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Our building's long-term goal is to raise enough money to grant a child afflicted with a serious or terminal illness his/her wish. We'll manage to have some fun during the process. I am proud to report that Radio Disney will have a lot to do with that! Be sure to check out the information heading home. Call if you have any questions.

Our first day of Santa's Workshop went very well. I would like to thank all of the parents who made time to be here today and those who will be here throughout the week.

Mr. Masucci

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Weekend has Arrived!

Thanks to our devoted PTO, Santa's Workshop is ready for our little shoppers. A schedule was sent home earlier this week on a pink piece of paper letting you know what day your child will be shopping. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. I'd be happy to answer them for you.

I would also like to update you on the progress of our greenhouse project. The entire project was put on hold for a few weeks, but we are now ready to move forward. I expect a fence to be installed before the end of next week. Once that is completed, we can plan for the installation of a greenhouse. I would like to point out that no taxpayer dollars have been used for this project. All funds have been either donated by our generous PTO or obtained through grants.

Have a wonderful weekend. It looks like it may snow.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Go Steelers!

Our preschool students worked hard this week and completed an awesome art project. There will be pictures posted tomorrow. I would like to thank Mrs. Bucci, Mrs. Greene, Mrs. Mayle, Mrs. DeLost and Mrs. Ray for their help.

Our Math 24 Club for 4th graders continues to go well. I want to thank Mrs. D'Alesio and her helpers for their volunteering their time. Our students are having a blast!

It was nice to see so many of our students wearing black and gold today. Let's hope the Steelers do not embarrass the Cleveland Browns too badly tonight.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, December 5, 2011

Santa's Workshop!

Our PTO is at it again! Plans are being finalized for next week's Santa's Workshop where each student will have the opportunity to do a little shopping of his/her own. I'd like to thank Mrs. Kopkash and Mrs. Brant for all of their hard work setting things up. I know our students are looking forward to it.

More information and a shopping schedule should be sent home Wednesday or Thursday.

Mr. Masucci

Friday, December 2, 2011

Hard at Work!

I have been hard at work this week preparing for the weeks to come. In addition, I am in the process of "fine-tuning" our building's website. You will receive information soon about these changes and other improvements to our site. I will be sure to keep you in the loop!

Have a wonderful weekend. If you happen to drive by the school, take a look at the building's new decorations. Mr. Mike was a brave enough to climb a ladder this morning and hang them.

Have a great weekend.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Pioneer Trails Tree Farm was kind enough to donate a beautiful Christmas Tree to our building. It certainly makes the hallway smell like the holidays. It is the farm's way of thanking our students and staff for making hundreds of holiday ornaments for troops overseas. The tree farm participates in a program called Trees for Troops and counted on Poland Union's support.

As many of you know, our Board of Education unanimously voted to put a levy on the March ballot. The Levy Committee is looking for parents willing to serve and support its efforts. At this time, I do not know the committee's tentative plans. However, I do not feel it is too early to ask for parents willing to serve on it. If you are interested in doing so, please write me a short note stating your willingness to help. Be sure to include your contact information. I will make sure the committee receives your name. As always, thank you for your support.

Thanks you,
Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Big News!

Poland Union Elementary School and the Make-A-Wish Foundation are joining forces in January 2012. Information about this partnership will be heading home soon. I am looking forward to the positive impact this will have on our students and staff. There may even be a few surprises along the way!

Have a wonderful evening and stay out of the puddles!

Mr. Masucci

Monday, November 28, 2011

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school! Before you know it, Christmas vacation will be here. This is a wonderful time of year to be around children. It may also test your patience, but it is what being a kid is all about.

Don't forget about tonight's bullying workshop at Boardman High School. Join Dr. Allan L. Beane from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. He is an international expert, speaker and author on bullying. The presentation is open to the public and no reservations are required.

I have mailed our "Get Active, Get Fit School Challenge" forms to Radio Disney! I will accept forms tomorrow from those who may have forgotten or were absent today. Keep those fingers crossed. Our building would love to win a Radio Disney Dance Party!

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

On behalf of our students and staff, I'd like to wish all of our Poland Union families a Happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to enjoy the next few days off of school and take a few moments to think about how much we truly have to be thankful for.

Be sure all of the "Get Active, Get Fit School Challenge" papers are turned in by Monday, November 28th! I have a good feeling about our chances of winning a Radio Disney Dance Party!

Mr. Masucci

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Rough Start to the Week!

I think the weather changes we have been experiencing the past few days have finally caught up with me. Although I put on a happy face and made it to work today, I ended up leaving. As many of you know, I do not like missing work and/or being out of the building when the kids are here. However, I know they are in good hands and am only a phone call away. I intend to be back tomorrow.

I mentioned to the students that the "Get Active, Get Fit School Challenge" is quickly coming to an end. All forms are due back to school no later than Monday, November 28th. I actually encouraged them to turn them in tomorrow, so they would not have to worry about remembering after a long vacation.

Mr. Masucci

Friday, November 18, 2011

Have a Great Weekend!

Enjoy the weekend. This will probably be the last "calm" weekend before the holidays hit for many of our families. My goal this weekend is to put the Christmas lights up. I bet I won't be the only one with that plan.

Please keep in mind that the "Get Active, Get Fit School Challenge" is quickly coming to an end.
Take a few minutes this weekend and make sure your child will be ready to return the page with all of his/her check marks.

Mr. Masucci

Two for One!

Today will be a "two for one" special! I intend to post two messages before the end of the day. If this is the extent of your excitement for the upcoming weekend, there isn't much I can say or do to help you.

Here we go! I'd like to thank Mrs. D'Alesio for supervising yesterday's Math 24 Club for many of our 4th graders. They were very excited and stayed actively engaged for just about the entire time. I'd also like to thank the students from PSHS who came to help out. We'll pick things back up on Thursday, December 1st.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mark Your Calendars!

Please mark your calendars for our building's next Family Night. On Thursday, January 26th, all 4th grade students and their parents will be invited back to school for........( I haven't figured that out quite yet.) I do know that one of the evening's guests will be Mr. Chaz Kellem. Chaz is the Director of Diversity Initiatives for the Pittsburgh Pirates. He will bring with him a very powerful message. More details will be heading home once we return from Thanksgiving break.

On Monday, November 28th, Boardman High School will host an event open to the public. Dr. Allan L. Beane, an international expert, speaker and author on bullying, will be sharing his message. He will be speaking from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00p.m.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm Back!

It's been a few days since I posted a blog. Having major computer troubles really opened my eyes as to how much I rely on technology. Let's hope any future problems can be fixed right away.

It was nice to see so many kindergarten parents attend yesterday's Visitation Day. Throughout the rest of the week, parents of students in grades 1-4 will be invited into the classrooms. Check our calendar page for the dates and times.

All of the "Get Active, Get Fit" school challemnge papers are due on Monday, November 28th. A Radio DIsney Dance Part is within our reach!

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Check This Out!

I am always on the lookout for cool stories that I can share with our students. I hit the jackpot today! Considering so many of our students are animal lovers, I shared a story about a rhinoceros. This particular rhino took a strange journey that lasted a little more than 10 minutes yesterday. Although it was a short trip, the rhino traveled 932 miles and ended up being placed in a new environment where it should live happily for many years to come. Check out these cool pictures!

Have a great day!

Mr. Masucci

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thank You!

The Holiday Shoppe Committee would like to thank everyone for making this year's event so successful! Whether you donated items for the baskets, baked or volunteered your valuable time Friday evening and/or Saturday, know that this year's event would not have been such a HUGE success without you. Next year's event is scheduled for November 3rd! See you there.

I would also like to thank the Holiday Shoppe Committee, their volunteers and those who stopped by this weekend's event. It is also important for me to thank the many husbands of the Holiday Shop Committee for their time and efforts. You guys were great, too!

Mr. Masucci

Friday, November 4, 2011

Holiday Shoppe!

I hope to see you at tomorrow's Holiday Shoppe. The event will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at PSHS. I cannot thank our Holiday Shoppe Committee enough for all of their hard work. Please know that you are appreciated. Poland Union's students and staff are fortunate to have such devoted parents. However, I'll warn you right now. I'm going after those Disney tickets tomorrow! I even put the dog's name on a few of my blue tickets.

Have a great weekend. Be sure to get those letters to our Marine friends finished up. They will be visiting our building on Thursday.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I'm sure I didn't disappoint too many by not posting a message yesterday. It was just one of those days. I'm sure you've had one of those, too.

Today is a different story. Our building is buzzing with the Holiday Shoppe just a few days away. Our students cannot keep their eyes off the baskets lining our hallway. It's nice to see so much excitement.

With the generous support of the PTO, the House of Speed started their physical education program with many of our students today. There were quite a few sweaty children exiting the gym this morning. Judging from what I heard, it was a lot of fun.

Be sure to click on the Clorox bottle on the left-side of the page to continue voting each day for our contest entry. Thank you for your support.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Holiday Shoppe News!

This weekend's Holiday Shoppe is quickly approaching. Ticket sales for the wonderful baskets on display will begin tomorrow. 50/50 ticket money or the unsold tickets are due by Friday. In addition, all bake sale items are also due by Friday. Our committee continues to work hard as the event approaches. Thank you for your hard work.

Don't forget to pick up your PTO fundraiser order between 2:45-5:45 this evening. I'd like to thank our volunteers for their continued support.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, October 31, 2011

Thank You PTO!

Our Halloween Parade went very well. I was worried about rain when it appears I may have needed to worry about snow. We were definitely lucky this afternoon. Our students' costumes were wonderful. I feel as though we are fortunate to have so much school support. It was great to see so many parents and grandparents lining the streets. I would like to thank those who picked up their children at the end of the day for their patience. Each and every child got home safely today. Our bus drivers thought it was Christmas!

I would like to extend a thank you to our PTO, too. I heard wonderful comments from our students and staff about the ice cream sundaes. Thanks to the volunteers who helped serve ice cream, put on costumes, take pictures and walk with our classrooms. You are appreciated.

Mr. Masucci

Friday, October 28, 2011

Job Well Done!

I'd like to thank the Martial Arts Training Center's Tom Ritchie for donating his time this week. Mr. Ritchie spent time with each homeroom during their scheduled physical education class and taught them some of the basics of Tae Kwon Do. All of our students were motivated and very attentive.

If you plan on attending tonight's football game, get there early. I'm sure there will be a huge crowd. Good luck to our 95 pound and 120 pound Little Bulldogs teams. They are playing in Super Bowls this weekend at YSU. Go DOGS!

Enjoy the weekend.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Get Active, Get Fit!

Our students are just about halfway through the Get Active, Get Fit School Challenge.  I am very hopeful that a large percentage of our students will turn in their recording sheets on Monday, November 28th.  A Radio Disney Dance Party is within our reach!

A note was sent home today about picking up fundraiser packages.  PTO volunteers will assist parents during schedule pick-up times. 

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fire Drill!

I am very proud of our students and staff.  During today's fire drill, all of our rules were followed and the building was completely emptied in a little over 1 minute.  Our fire department qould be proud, too. 
There is now a link on the side of this homepgae that will direct you to site where you can vote for our school's "Brighten a Future" contest.  Just click on the bottle of Clorox!

Enjoy the evening.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fundraiser Pick-Up!

Items ordered from our PTO Fundraiser will be delivered to our school on Tuesday, November 1st.  Volunteers will be on hand to help sort the entire order.  Individual orders can be picked up between 2:45 p.m. and 5:45 p.m.  Keep in mind that some of the items are perishable, so please make arrangements to pick your child's order up at school.  A student with a small order may take it home on the bus unless the school is notified that you would rather to pick it up.  Thank you.

Be sure to check out this link to vote for our building's latest contest entry!  Spread the word to family and friend, too.  Quite a bit of information is heading home today on a blue piece of paper.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, October 24, 2011

Rain Again?

It seems as if every day of school brings with it rain.  Theleaves falling from the tress outside the office almost looked like snow.  Let's hope for nicer weather next Monday.
The tiles our 1st graders painted during Family Disney Night will be able to go home later this week.  I will send a note home with our young artists to let you know which day.  The tiles are being sprayed in order to protect them. 

Have a great night!

Mr. Masucci

Friday, October 21, 2011

Family Disney Night!

Enjoy these pictures from Family Disney Night. Our 1st graders and their parents appeared to have a great time. I'd like to thank Mrs. Colella, Mrs. Flasco and Mrs. Zamary for their willingness to attend and participate in the evening's activities. I also would like to thank our special guests and PSHS students who helped keep everything running smoothly.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Let's Try It Again!

Since it is official, I decided to post some of our building's great news. On Thursday, November 10th, Marines stationed in New Jersey will be flying a Cobra helicopter to our building. Our students will have opportunities to explore the aircraft a bit and meet our honored guests. Much more information will be heading home within a week . Be on the lookout.

On Friday, I will be walking with students to the Poland Village Fire Department. As many of you may know, our local firefighters were recently honored for their hard work. As a token of our appreciation, all of our students created cards thanking them for their efforts. Students will present our local heroes with the cards. Let's hope it doesn't rain.
Mr. Masucci


I'm not sure why yesterday's blog didn't post. The picture did , but no message. Isn't technology wonderful?
Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Enjoy the Sunshine!

Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. It looks as if the next few days may be a litte soggy. Let's hope for a nice weekend.

Our Kindergarten classes were treated to a visit from our local fire department this morning. As part of Fire Prevention Month, our guests shared facts about fire safety. In addition, they were told that every family should have its own plan in case of a fire at home. The highlight of the visit came when our students got an up close and personal tour of the fire truck. Thank you PVFD!

Family Disney Night for our building's 1st graders is only 2 days away. Plans are just about finalized for this evening event. I'd like to thank some dear friends and my wife who helped me put the final touches on the evening's plans. You are the best!

Mr. Masucci

Monday, October 17, 2011

A New Week!

Today was filled with sunshine. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it is going to stick around for very long. Rain was certainly the theme at Thursday's Tailgate Party. I'd like to thank Mrs. Brant, Mrs. D'Alesio and the tailgate committee for all of their hard work. They made the best of a tough situation. I do not think many students minded getting wet and our turnout still managed to be high. Thank you parents!

Family Disney Night is quickly approaching! I am looking forward to a great night. Reminders will be sent home tomorrow to all 1st grade families who stated they would be attending.

Have a wonderful evening.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Go Bulldogs!

We are expecting a huge crowd at tonight's tailgate party! Mrs. Brant and her committee did an amazing job planning for and carrying out the evening's event. Thank you! Your hard work and wonderful attitudes are appreciated by our students, staff and families.

I'd like to thank those who made it out to last night's PTO meeting. We were able to move forward on quite a few special projects. I am fortunate to be working with such a devoted group. In addition, an update was given on the upcoming Holiday Shoppe. Items for the classroom baskets were due today. However, items may still be dropped off in the office.

Enjoy the long weekend.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


What's with all the rain today? Fear not Union families! While it may be wet tomorrow evening, I am optimistic that it will not be raining. The fun will begin at 5:00 p.m. and end just before kickoff. Tickets to the game can be purchased at the party. Adult tickets will be $6.00 each and student tickets $4.00. Quite a few volunteers from Kohl's will be on hand to help out our committee. I look forward to seeing you there.

Information came home today about a Fire Prevention Poster Contest. Be sure to read about the contest's details. I hope many of our students enter.

Tonight's PTO meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you there.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Another Busy Day!

Today was another one of those days that flew by! The end of the week is quickly approaching. It looks like the weather may be on our side for Thursday's Tailgate Party. Keep your fingers crossed. We are expecting close to 500 people.

Tomorrow's PTO Meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Please plan on attending. Throughout the course of the school year, our PTO will hold one more evening meeting. Hope you can make it.

Have a great night.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, October 10, 2011


Tomorrow is Picture Day! Our photographers will arrive around 800 a.m. to set up their equipment. Make sure your children come to school with their smiles tomorrow!

We are only a few pages away from finishing Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing. Be sure to ask about what the book's main character, Fudge, has done now. We should finish up the last chapter tomorrow.

It's going to be short week. Before you know it, we will be enjoying this year's Tailgate Party. I'd like to thank Mrs. Brant and her committee for all of their hard work. Our school received a $500 grant from Kohl's. Representatives from Boardman's store will be at our party to help serve food and drinks! Thanks Kohl's!

Mr. Masucci

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thank You PTO!

Today's performance by the J.J. Brothers was a HUGE hit. Our students really enjoyed our guests. More importantly, they were all attentive and respectful. On behalf, of our students and staff, I would like to thank our PTO for providing the funds needed for the performance.

Next week will certainly be busy. It will also be a short one. There will be no school on Friday, October 14th. Today's weather report looks great for Thursday's tailgate party. thank you for getting those reservation forms in. Mrs. Brant and her committee are hard at work finalizing plans. Tickets for the evening's football game will be on sale at our party.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Perfect Day!

It would be nice to be able to bottle days like this up! It was so nice that all of our students ventured outside for a walk. Our students were joined by all of our teachers, several staff members and Mrs. Kelley. In many ways, it was practice for our upcoming Halloween parade. I'd like to thank the PVPD's Chief Beatty and Office Mike for their help. As always, safety was the primary concern during today's walk. I know our students and staff felt better knowing we were joined by our friendly police.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Beautiful Day!

This is what October weather should be like. Today was one of the nicest days we have had in a long time. Let's hope it sticks around for our Tailgate Party next week! Be sure to get those reservations in by Friday, October 7th.

I'd like to thank those who participated in this year's PTO fundraiser. All of the order forms have been turned over to the fundraising company. Thank you for supporting PTO's efforts. A delivery date will be established soon. I'll be sure to let you know. I'd also like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian for their time and effort keeping all of the orders organized. You are appreciated.

Keep checking off those days for the "Get Active, Get Fit Challenge". No one should have trouble checking off today's date. It's too nice to be inside!

Please take a look at yesterday's post to learn more about how you may end up getting our school extra Box Tops! Those of you who use Facebook could really help spread the word.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Check This Out!

I am guessing that most of you who read my blog each day are comfortable using a computer. I was informed today about a contest going on that may lead to our school receiving 100,000 bonus Box Tops valued at $10,000.00! The Avery Sticky Notes Mark the Spot Sweepstakes is being offered by Avery Dennison Office Products Company. Click here to learn more and find out how easy it is for you to enter. If you have a Facebook account, it is even easier. There is no purchase necessary. Please spread the word to your family and friends, so they can enter and nominate Poland Union Elementary School. Entries made via Facebook must be received by midnight on October 25th. Thank you for taking the time to check it out.

I hope I am able to wear my New York Yankee tie to school tomorrow. It's been a rough couple of games for the Bronx Bombers. Since I tried popcorn last night and they lost, I may have to go with pizza for tonight's game.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, October 3, 2011

Get Moving!

Today is the first day of our "Get Active, Get Fit Challenge". Please make that the sheet that came home Friday is somewhere safe. Be sure to check off today's date. Completed forms are due back at school on Monday, November 28th. I believe our school has a great chance of winning one of the 20 Radio Disney Dance Parties awarded to the top-performing schools. Keep your fingers crossed.

I am thrilled to see so many aluminum cans coming into the building. Thank you saving them and reinforcing the importance of recycling at home. I believe this is another contest our school can do very well in.

I'll be in my chair tonight with a big bowl of buttery popcorn watching the Yankees battle the Tigers. Go Yankees!

Thank you,
Derek Jeter

Friday, September 30, 2011

Kindergarten Shines!

Today's Kindergarten Tea went very well. Thank you to all of the parents who were able to attend. I hope you enjoyed the performance. The kindergartens certainly earned all of the applause they received. I'd also like to thank Mrs. Bonarigo, Mrs. Chiaro, Mrs. Donahue and Miss Hawkins for their hard work. Without them, we wouldn't have an event like this. Great job!

Mrs. Blasko, Mrs. D'Alesio, Mrs. Farber amd Mrs. Kalicatzaros also deserve to be thanked for helping set up and serve our delicious refreshments.

Be sure to read about our school's latest contest! the information is coming home on a blue sheet of paper.
Enjoy the weekend. Go BULLDOGS!

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Great Job!

I am very proud of the 35 students who participated in this year's Juvenile Court Advisory Board's Poster Contest. I thought all of the entries were wonderful. Contest winners will be notified by October 21st. All who turned a poster in received a Chick-fil-A card good for a free kid's meal. In addition, each student has been entered in a drawing to eat dinner at my home. Names will drawn within the next few school days.

Enjoy what looks like a cool evening.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Poster Contest!

All entries for this year's "Stay in School Poster Contest" are due tomorrow. I am thrilled to see so many 3rd and 4th graders taking advantage of this opportunity. I will be delivering the posters to the Mahoning County Juvenile Court Friday.

All first graders will be bringing home a reservation form tomorrow for the upcoming Family Disney Night scheduled for Thursday, October 20th. Please return the bottom portion of the form as soon as possible.

I'd like to thank those who have been saving their empty aluminum cans for our school's recycling efforts. Please keep them coming!

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Thank You!

Wow! The Box Tops I asked for are certainly making their way to our school. Thank you for supporting our efforts and taking the time to cut those little guys out. Keep them coming! Our school's goal is to raise $4,400.00 this year.

Plans are being finalized for this Friday's Kindergarten Tea. It's nice to hear our kindergartners practicing their songs. I'm sure they are going to look and sound great. I'd like to thank Mrs. Bonarigo, Mrs. Chiaro and Mrs. Donahue for their efforts.

Please make sure your child is not missing a jacket or lunchbox. I remind them each day to check our lost and found if something turns up missing. There is a container in the gym with articles of clothing and quite a few lunchboxes. All unclaimed items will ultimately be donated to charity. Make sure your child's name is on all items that find their way to school.

I woke up today to find quite a few leaves in my front yard. Between the leaves and 3,000,000 acorns, I'll be lucky to see grass in a few weeks.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tailgate Party!

Information about our upcoming Tailgate Party is heading home tomorrow. I hope that all of our students are able to attend this annual event. PTO is asking for a $1.00 donation per family. A $500.00 community grant from Kohl's will help defray the majority of the cost. In addition, 4 or 5 employees from Kohl's will volunteer their time to help serve food and assist in our clean-up efforts. Thank you Kohl's!

Thank you for supporting this year's PTO fundraiser. If you forgot to send in the orders and/or money, you may do so tomorrow. Please give me a call if you have any questions.

Mr. Masucci

Friday, September 23, 2011


Beginning Monday, I will reward all students who bring 10 Box Tops to school with Chick-fil-A cards good for one free Kids' Meal. I explained that there will be a yellow collection box on the stage where the Box Tops can be placed. Names must be visible. Once morning announcements are over, I will make sure the Box Tops make their way to the appropriate homerooms. As most of you are aware, our school receives money for each one collected. Last year our school raised $3,600.00. Information about this program was sent home earlier in the month. In addition, feel free to click here or the link on the bottom left of this page to visit the Box Tops website where you can play a variety of games that could benefit our school. Thank you in advance for your support. Start clippin'

Don't forget that all PTO fundraiser order forms and money are due on Monday. On behalf of our PTO, I'd like you for your support. I'd also like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian for handling all of the orders. You are appreciated.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, September 22, 2011

One Day Closer to Friday!

We have had another great week of school. Our students continue to be very well behaved and are handling the routine of the school year very well. Each morning I encourage our students to work hard, be kind and remain organized. As a result of their positive efforts, we will be watching a movie tomorrow. The G-rated movie will be broken into two short sections, so our teachers can still conduct their planned lessons.

It is hard to believe that tomorrow is the first day of autumn. Many of the trees around our school have started to change colors. My yard will probably be covered with leaves soon! AHHHHHH!

I have some wonderful news that I will be sharing soon. I'm not very good at keeping secrets, but I am not quite ready to let the cat out of the bag. Stay tuned.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Busy Day!

Last time I looked at the clock it was 10:30 a.m. The day certainly flew by for me. It will be Friday before we know it.

Please continue to send in your PTO membership forms. I am proud to report that our numbers remain high. Thank you. Our students and staff are fortunate to have such strong support.

Plans are coming together nicely for our upcoming Family Disney Night for 1st graders and their parents. Reservation forms will be heading home soon. Students and parents will be rotating to a variety of stations set up throughout the building. Each one will carry a "Disney" theme.

Enjoy the evening.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Just a Reminder!

Please continue to support our PTO's fundraiser. All order forms and money are due on Monday, September 26th. Your support is deeply appreciated.

If your child is in the 3rd or 4th grade, please continue to encourage him/her to participate in this year's Juvenile Court Advisory Board's Poster Contest. All entries are due by Thursday, September 29th.

Be sure to ask your children what is happening in the book I am reading during morning announcements. A new character was introduced today. See what they remember about Sheila Tubman.
Mr. Masucci

Monday, September 19, 2011

Check this out!

On Friday, a group of students walked to Cocca's Pizza to plant flowers in front of the store's sign. This has become a nice tradition at Poland Union and one we will continue in the spring and fall for many years to come. Steve Cocca was there to lend a helping hand and made sure all of his youngest workers were well fed. Enjoy the pictures.

Mr. Masucci

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Weekend has Arrived!

Have a great weekend! Our first full week of school went very well. I am very proud of how well our students are behaving. As parents, you should be proud.

Let's hope the Bulldogs can get back to their winning ways tonight! If you are going to the game, I may see you there. Don't forget about Saturday's YSU game. Enjoy what should be a great event.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fire Drill!

I am proud to report that our first fire drill of the school year was very successful. All of our students moved quickly and quietly as they were guided outside by their classroom teachers. During morning announcements, I informed our students why they need to remain quiet and pay attention to all of our staff members. I am very proud of them.

Please be sure to return your PTO membership forms to school as soon as possible. Michelle Masucci, PTO's Membership Chair, will be providing me with a list of those who have already joined. (She responds to pressure well.!) My goal is to have at least one parent of every student become a member this year. Your support is deeply appreciated.

Mr. Masucci