Friday, September 30, 2011

Kindergarten Shines!

Today's Kindergarten Tea went very well. Thank you to all of the parents who were able to attend. I hope you enjoyed the performance. The kindergartens certainly earned all of the applause they received. I'd also like to thank Mrs. Bonarigo, Mrs. Chiaro, Mrs. Donahue and Miss Hawkins for their hard work. Without them, we wouldn't have an event like this. Great job!

Mrs. Blasko, Mrs. D'Alesio, Mrs. Farber amd Mrs. Kalicatzaros also deserve to be thanked for helping set up and serve our delicious refreshments.

Be sure to read about our school's latest contest! the information is coming home on a blue sheet of paper.
Enjoy the weekend. Go BULLDOGS!

Mr. Masucci