Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Pioneer Trails Tree Farm was kind enough to donate a beautiful Christmas Tree to our building. It certainly makes the hallway smell like the holidays. It is the farm's way of thanking our students and staff for making hundreds of holiday ornaments for troops overseas. The tree farm participates in a program called Trees for Troops and counted on Poland Union's support.

As many of you know, our Board of Education unanimously voted to put a levy on the March ballot. The Levy Committee is looking for parents willing to serve and support its efforts. At this time, I do not know the committee's tentative plans. However, I do not feel it is too early to ask for parents willing to serve on it. If you are interested in doing so, please write me a short note stating your willingness to help. Be sure to include your contact information. I will make sure the committee receives your name. As always, thank you for your support.

Thanks you,
Mr. Masucci