Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mark Your Calendars!

Please mark your calendars for our building's next Family Night. On Thursday, January 26th, all 4th grade students and their parents will be invited back to school for........( I haven't figured that out quite yet.) I do know that one of the evening's guests will be Mr. Chaz Kellem. Chaz is the Director of Diversity Initiatives for the Pittsburgh Pirates. He will bring with him a very powerful message. More details will be heading home once we return from Thanksgiving break.

On Monday, November 28th, Boardman High School will host an event open to the public. Dr. Allan L. Beane, an international expert, speaker and author on bullying, will be sharing his message. He will be speaking from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00p.m.

Mr. Masucci