Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Virtual Assignment!

New pictures have been placed in our school's main entrance. Over the course of the last few weeks, I have heard many students commenting on them. At our last PTO Meeting, members voted on purchasing additional pictures for the main hallway. They will certainly brighten up the hall. I was able to order the pictures and hope to have them ready to display by the time we return to school in May.

Here is tonight's "virtual assignment". Those who choose to complete it can turn it in tomorrow morning. I will reward those who complete the assignment, write neatly and include their name and room number on the paper. Below are the pictures already on display.

Here is the assignment: Which picture is your favorite? Tell me why by writing 2 to 3 good sentences. You may draw a picture if you like. Our younger students can receive help if needed.

Mr. Masucci