Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's Day

I am not a big April Fool's Day fan, but simply couldn't resist today. After I read a few pages of our book and talked about our latest recycling efforts, I told our students that perhaps it was time to revisit some past practices. Right on cue, Mr. Mike opened the curtain on the stage, wheeled the television out and said the Richard Simmons tape was ready to go. I instructed everyone to stand up and get ready to exercise for the next 20 minutes. Mouths hit the floor. I had a hard time continuing because I was ready to laugh. They fell for it...hook....line...and sinker!

I'll be ready to work tomorrow morning. Our Outdoor Classroom will receive a little tender loving care from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. I have applied for quite a few grants and hope we can continue to develop this area for our current and future students. It is a wonderful teaching tool. Hope to see you in the morning.

Mr. Masucci