Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1 More Day!

The weather may not reflect it, but spring is in the air. I think our students and staff are definitely ready for the upcoming break. Tomorrow's assembly is sure to be a good one. Jim "Basketball" Jones will be here to share his motivational show. He will emphasize the importance of possessing self-respect, a sense responsibility and a winning attitude. Check out more by clicking here.

There were close to 40 students who completed last night's "virtual assignment". You never know when I am going to post one.

Have a great night.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Virtual Assignment!

New pictures have been placed in our school's main entrance. Over the course of the last few weeks, I have heard many students commenting on them. At our last PTO Meeting, members voted on purchasing additional pictures for the main hallway. They will certainly brighten up the hall. I was able to order the pictures and hope to have them ready to display by the time we return to school in May.

Here is tonight's "virtual assignment". Those who choose to complete it can turn it in tomorrow morning. I will reward those who complete the assignment, write neatly and include their name and room number on the paper. Below are the pictures already on display.

Here is the assignment: Which picture is your favorite? Tell me why by writing 2 to 3 good sentences. You may draw a picture if you like. Our younger students can receive help if needed.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Short Week!

Our first day of a short week got off to a great start! Before we know it, Thursday will be here. I think I am as excited as the kids. I hope the weather improves and we are able to enjoy a little bit of spring. At the rate we are going, we will have no spring and head right into summer-like weather.

Congratulations to those who had work displayed at this year's Art Show. Over 40 students received honors for their work. Keep it up.

Let's keep those phone books coming! Today was a great day.

Mr. Masucci

Friday, April 15, 2011

Elementary Art Show!

Tonight's Art Show at Poland North Elementary School will begin at 6:00 p.m. I hope you are able to stop by and check things out. Ms. Johnson and the volunteers who helped make the event possible deserve a lot of credit.

In Chapter 2 of our new book, Kelly Sparks and Albert Einstein Jones are introduced. Let's just say their relationship is off to a rocky start. Both seem to have wonderful imaginations and enjoy inventing different gadgets. When we return to school on Monday, I will begin reading Chapter 3. The Gadget War is about to begin.

Enjoy the weekend.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A New Book!

I started reading a new book during our morning announcements. Be sure to ask about The Gadget War! In Chapter 1, we learned about the story's main character. She is a 3rd grader named Kelly Sparks. Kelly is an inventor and loves every chance she gets to show off her creativity to her classmates and teacher. At the end of the chapter, a new student enters her class. His name is Albert Einstein Jones. Like Kelly, he is an inventor. I have a feeling these two are not going to hit it off.

I look forward to seeing our Kindergartners perform tonight. Our students and teachers have worked very hard and are ready to go!

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Schedule Change!

A note will go home tomorrow with all 3rd graders regarding a change in the upcoming testing schedule. I was informed today that all testing materials will be picked up on Friday, May 6th. Therefore, the schedule needs to be adjusted. 3rd graders will take their Reading Achievement Assessment on Monday, May 2nd and the Math Achievement Assessment on Wednesday, May 4th. The changes have been made on our calendar page, too.

Today's PTO Meeting went well. I'd like to thank those who were able to attend. We listened to two individuals in the fundraising business who would like to work with our school in the future. In addition, members unanimously voted to purchase banners for the gym that will include different character traits and to purchase additional pictures for our hallways. Thank you PTO! Your continued support is appreciated.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Our week has certainly been busy. It's been very nice to hear our Kindergartners putting the finishing touches on their upcoming performance. The students and teachers have worked very hard and are sure to put on a wonderful show Thursday evening.

Be sure to ask about Ribsy. Believe it or not, we are still reading about him. With any luck, I should wrap things up tomorrow. It seems as if Ribsy is close to being reunited with Henry. Keep your fingers...I mean paws.....crossed.

I have started this year's video for the 4th Grade Recognition. If you have a 4th grader, please send those pictures in! I appreciate your help.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, April 11, 2011

Thank You!

Some of you may already know that my mother is very ill. She has been battling a terrible disease for many years and, like all of us, has good days and bad days. Today was definitely a bad one. I had to leave the building late this morning and did not return. In today's world, I am only a cell phone call away and was able to check my messages several times. I cannot thank our entire staff enough. I do not like to leave, but am comforted knowing I leave your children in wonderful hands. I hope to return tomorrow.

Mr. Masucci

Friday, April 8, 2011

Enjoy the Weekend!

I hope you enjoy the weekend. Although today was another dreary one, the weekend looks pretty good. If I'm not mistaken, temperatures may climb into the 70's soon.

Next week will be very busy. There will be a PTO Meeting on Wednesday, April 13th. Officers will be elected, so please plan on attending. Our Kindergarten Sing will be held on Thursday and the Elementary Art Show on Friday.
Please keep those telephone books coming! I think we are doing very well. If you see family or friends this weekend, please consider asking for their support.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, April 7, 2011


It was nice to see the sun today. I know our students felt the same way. Let's hope it sticks around for the weekend. I'm looking forward to getting some work done in my yard.

Our Kindergarten students have been hard at work preparing for next week's Kindergarten Sing. Mrs. Bonarigo, Mrs. Chiaro and Mrs. Donahue have done a great job planning and practicing. This one-of-a-kind event is scheduled for Thursday, April 14th at 6:00 p.m. I look forward to seeing a packed house.

Please keep in mind this month's PTO meeting will take place Wednesday, April 13th at 9:15 a.m. We'll be voting for next year's officers, so please plan on attending. The PTO plays such an important role in our school. I look forward to working alongside such a devoted group.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

One of Those Days!

It was just one of those days! We have all had them. I'm not sure about you, but I am ready for the weekend.

I received a very nice note from the representative of Camp Fitch who spoke to our 3rd and 4th graders a few weeks ago. In her note, she commented that she visits many schools over the course of a year. She stated that the behavior of our 3rd and 4th graders was the best she had ever seen. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I stood in the gym as the 3rd and 4th graders entered. They did so without a sound and quietly sat on the floor until I was ready to introduce our guest. I shared the note with all of our students yesterday.

It was a great "telephone book day". Keep them coming!

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Special Delivery!

I enjoy seeing all of the Flat Stanley projects making their way into the building. This little guy sure does get around. He is quite the traveler. I know our 2nd grade students are proud of the work being displayed. Great job!

Many of our students continued planting flowers today. I hope to have pictures posted soon. Thanks for all of the water bottles that have been recycled. Keep them coming.

Candy orders can be picked up tomorrow afternoon. I'll probably have my boxes opened before I get home.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, April 4, 2011

April Showers Bring May Flowers!

Some of our students began planting flowers for that special holiday in May. The flowers will be well taken care for the next few weeks. I'll have pictures posted soon.

All 4th Graders are bringing home important information about the upcoming 4th Grade Recognition Program scheduled for May 26th. Please make sure the requested materials make their way to school on time. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Keep those telephone books coming. I think we are off to a great start. Although the contest ends April 30th, our spring break will shorten our efforts. Let's plan on getting all we can by Thursday, April 21st. With the help parents and co-workers, I know we can win this contest!

Mr. Masucci

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's Day

I am not a big April Fool's Day fan, but simply couldn't resist today. After I read a few pages of our book and talked about our latest recycling efforts, I told our students that perhaps it was time to revisit some past practices. Right on cue, Mr. Mike opened the curtain on the stage, wheeled the television out and said the Richard Simmons tape was ready to go. I instructed everyone to stand up and get ready to exercise for the next 20 minutes. Mouths hit the floor. I had a hard time continuing because I was ready to laugh. They fell for it...hook....line...and sinker!

I'll be ready to work tomorrow morning. Our Outdoor Classroom will receive a little tender loving care from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. I have applied for quite a few grants and hope we can continue to develop this area for our current and future students. It is a wonderful teaching tool. Hope to see you in the morning.

Mr. Masucci