Thursday, February 2, 2012

Crazy Hat Day!

Tomorrow is going to be "Crazy Hat Day"! Students are encouraged to bring in a one dollar donation for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. For doing so, they can wear their craziest hats to school. It should make for an exciting day. Participation is strictly voluntary.

Tickets for the Steelers Basketball Game will go on sale Monday, February 6th. The last day to buy them at the school will be Thursday, March 1st. After March 1st, all tickets will have to be purchased at the Fieldhouse the night of the game. If you wait until then, the event may sell out. Please be sure to buy your tickets here at school. More information about the event will be sent home on Monday.

Click here to see one of last year's best Super Bowl Commercials.

Click here to get an early glimpse of a great Super Bowl Commercial.

Mr. Masucci