Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Pioneer Trails Tree Farm was kind enough to donate a beautiful Christmas Tree to our building. It certainly makes the hallway smell like the holidays. It is the farm's way of thanking our students and staff for making hundreds of holiday ornaments for troops overseas. The tree farm participates in a program called Trees for Troops and counted on Poland Union's support.

As many of you know, our Board of Education unanimously voted to put a levy on the March ballot. The Levy Committee is looking for parents willing to serve and support its efforts. At this time, I do not know the committee's tentative plans. However, I do not feel it is too early to ask for parents willing to serve on it. If you are interested in doing so, please write me a short note stating your willingness to help. Be sure to include your contact information. I will make sure the committee receives your name. As always, thank you for your support.

Thanks you,
Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Big News!

Poland Union Elementary School and the Make-A-Wish Foundation are joining forces in January 2012. Information about this partnership will be heading home soon. I am looking forward to the positive impact this will have on our students and staff. There may even be a few surprises along the way!

Have a wonderful evening and stay out of the puddles!

Mr. Masucci

Monday, November 28, 2011

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school! Before you know it, Christmas vacation will be here. This is a wonderful time of year to be around children. It may also test your patience, but it is what being a kid is all about.

Don't forget about tonight's bullying workshop at Boardman High School. Join Dr. Allan L. Beane from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. He is an international expert, speaker and author on bullying. The presentation is open to the public and no reservations are required.

I have mailed our "Get Active, Get Fit School Challenge" forms to Radio Disney! I will accept forms tomorrow from those who may have forgotten or were absent today. Keep those fingers crossed. Our building would love to win a Radio Disney Dance Party!

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

On behalf of our students and staff, I'd like to wish all of our Poland Union families a Happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to enjoy the next few days off of school and take a few moments to think about how much we truly have to be thankful for.

Be sure all of the "Get Active, Get Fit School Challenge" papers are turned in by Monday, November 28th! I have a good feeling about our chances of winning a Radio Disney Dance Party!

Mr. Masucci

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Rough Start to the Week!

I think the weather changes we have been experiencing the past few days have finally caught up with me. Although I put on a happy face and made it to work today, I ended up leaving. As many of you know, I do not like missing work and/or being out of the building when the kids are here. However, I know they are in good hands and am only a phone call away. I intend to be back tomorrow.

I mentioned to the students that the "Get Active, Get Fit School Challenge" is quickly coming to an end. All forms are due back to school no later than Monday, November 28th. I actually encouraged them to turn them in tomorrow, so they would not have to worry about remembering after a long vacation.

Mr. Masucci

Friday, November 18, 2011

Have a Great Weekend!

Enjoy the weekend. This will probably be the last "calm" weekend before the holidays hit for many of our families. My goal this weekend is to put the Christmas lights up. I bet I won't be the only one with that plan.

Please keep in mind that the "Get Active, Get Fit School Challenge" is quickly coming to an end.
Take a few minutes this weekend and make sure your child will be ready to return the page with all of his/her check marks.

Mr. Masucci

Two for One!

Today will be a "two for one" special! I intend to post two messages before the end of the day. If this is the extent of your excitement for the upcoming weekend, there isn't much I can say or do to help you.

Here we go! I'd like to thank Mrs. D'Alesio for supervising yesterday's Math 24 Club for many of our 4th graders. They were very excited and stayed actively engaged for just about the entire time. I'd also like to thank the students from PSHS who came to help out. We'll pick things back up on Thursday, December 1st.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mark Your Calendars!

Please mark your calendars for our building's next Family Night. On Thursday, January 26th, all 4th grade students and their parents will be invited back to school for........( I haven't figured that out quite yet.) I do know that one of the evening's guests will be Mr. Chaz Kellem. Chaz is the Director of Diversity Initiatives for the Pittsburgh Pirates. He will bring with him a very powerful message. More details will be heading home once we return from Thanksgiving break.

On Monday, November 28th, Boardman High School will host an event open to the public. Dr. Allan L. Beane, an international expert, speaker and author on bullying, will be sharing his message. He will be speaking from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00p.m.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm Back!

It's been a few days since I posted a blog. Having major computer troubles really opened my eyes as to how much I rely on technology. Let's hope any future problems can be fixed right away.

It was nice to see so many kindergarten parents attend yesterday's Visitation Day. Throughout the rest of the week, parents of students in grades 1-4 will be invited into the classrooms. Check our calendar page for the dates and times.

All of the "Get Active, Get Fit" school challemnge papers are due on Monday, November 28th. A Radio DIsney Dance Part is within our reach!

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Check This Out!

I am always on the lookout for cool stories that I can share with our students. I hit the jackpot today! Considering so many of our students are animal lovers, I shared a story about a rhinoceros. This particular rhino took a strange journey that lasted a little more than 10 minutes yesterday. Although it was a short trip, the rhino traveled 932 miles and ended up being placed in a new environment where it should live happily for many years to come. Check out these cool pictures!

Have a great day!

Mr. Masucci

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thank You!

The Holiday Shoppe Committee would like to thank everyone for making this year's event so successful! Whether you donated items for the baskets, baked or volunteered your valuable time Friday evening and/or Saturday, know that this year's event would not have been such a HUGE success without you. Next year's event is scheduled for November 3rd! See you there.

I would also like to thank the Holiday Shoppe Committee, their volunteers and those who stopped by this weekend's event. It is also important for me to thank the many husbands of the Holiday Shop Committee for their time and efforts. You guys were great, too!

Mr. Masucci

Friday, November 4, 2011

Holiday Shoppe!

I hope to see you at tomorrow's Holiday Shoppe. The event will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at PSHS. I cannot thank our Holiday Shoppe Committee enough for all of their hard work. Please know that you are appreciated. Poland Union's students and staff are fortunate to have such devoted parents. However, I'll warn you right now. I'm going after those Disney tickets tomorrow! I even put the dog's name on a few of my blue tickets.

Have a great weekend. Be sure to get those letters to our Marine friends finished up. They will be visiting our building on Thursday.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I'm sure I didn't disappoint too many by not posting a message yesterday. It was just one of those days. I'm sure you've had one of those, too.

Today is a different story. Our building is buzzing with the Holiday Shoppe just a few days away. Our students cannot keep their eyes off the baskets lining our hallway. It's nice to see so much excitement.

With the generous support of the PTO, the House of Speed started their physical education program with many of our students today. There were quite a few sweaty children exiting the gym this morning. Judging from what I heard, it was a lot of fun.

Be sure to click on the Clorox bottle on the left-side of the page to continue voting each day for our contest entry. Thank you for your support.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Holiday Shoppe News!

This weekend's Holiday Shoppe is quickly approaching. Ticket sales for the wonderful baskets on display will begin tomorrow. 50/50 ticket money or the unsold tickets are due by Friday. In addition, all bake sale items are also due by Friday. Our committee continues to work hard as the event approaches. Thank you for your hard work.

Don't forget to pick up your PTO fundraiser order between 2:45-5:45 this evening. I'd like to thank our volunteers for their continued support.

Mr. Masucci