Monday, April 16, 2012

Back from Break!

I hope everyone enjoyed the break! While no one likes to return from a vacation, it was nice to see so many smiling faces this morning. It's hard to believe we have only 38 more days of school.

The school's "Gaga Pit" is up and running. The final step will be installing turf inside of it. Thanks to the generosity of our PTO the turf has been purchased and delivered to the school. We are now waiting for the outside temperature to rise a bit before adhering the turf to the blacktop. Mr. Wesolowsky will be swinging by Wednesday morning to provide our students with the rules of the game.

Be on the lookout for information coming home today about the Pittsburgh Pirates. Each K-4 students is entitled to 2 free tickets to an upcoming game at PNC park. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Mr. Masucci