Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One Down...One to Go!

3rd Graders finished up their testing this morning. I am sure they will enjoy the evening not having to worry about any more tests. Our 4th Graders will wrap things up tomorrow. I think they have possessed great attitudes these past few days. The weather looks great today. Head outside and enjoy it. Thanks, Mr. Masucci

Monday, April 23, 2012


It's hard to believe that we have to worry about snow this late in April. Let's hope the forecasters are wrong and this storm misses us. I don't think I will be using my tickets to tomorrow night's Pirate game.

Our first day of testing went very well. 4th grade kicks things off tomorrow. I am looking forward to the end of the week. It will be nice to pack the tests up and get them out of here.

Stay warm!

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Great Day for a Walk!

We were able to pick right back up where left in the fall with our building's walking program. This afternoon we walked a little under a half mile. Our entire building made the trip in a little under 30 minutes. All of the students were very well behaved.

Great news should have made it home today about the little girl whose wish came true because of the generosity of Poland Union Elementary School's students, staff and families.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

PTO Meeting

Our school's monthly PTO meeting will take place tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. April is typically a slow month with the recent break and Achievement Assessments taking center stage. Hope you can make it.

I received some great news today.........but I am not quite ready to share it. Look for a paper coming home in the next few days.

Enjoy the sunshine.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, April 16, 2012

Back from Break!

I hope everyone enjoyed the break! While no one likes to return from a vacation, it was nice to see so many smiling faces this morning. It's hard to believe we have only 38 more days of school.

The school's "Gaga Pit" is up and running. The final step will be installing turf inside of it. Thanks to the generosity of our PTO the turf has been purchased and delivered to the school. We are now waiting for the outside temperature to rise a bit before adhering the turf to the blacktop. Mr. Wesolowsky will be swinging by Wednesday morning to provide our students with the rules of the game.

Be on the lookout for information coming home today about the Pittsburgh Pirates. Each K-4 students is entitled to 2 free tickets to an upcoming game at PNC park. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Beautiful Day!

Today happened to be one of the nicest Spring days I can remember. I know our students enjoyed being outside for recess. I hope this type of weather shows up next week!

Congratulations to our Kindergartners for putting on a terrific show last night. Mrs. Bonarigo, Mrs. Chiaro and Mrs. Donahue did a great job preparing their students for such a special event. It was nice to see a "packed house", too.

Enjoy the nice weather.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Kindergarten Stars!

Our Kindergartners will take center-stage this evening for their annual Spring Program. All of the students have worked hard and are well prepared for tonight's performance. their smiles will steal the show! I'd like to thank Mrs. Bonarigo, Mrs. Chiaro and Mrs. Donahue for taking the time to put this event together. Their efforts are appreciated.

Our school's "Gaga Pit" is just about finished. PTO provided the funds necessary for this addition to the school's playground. Once the students return from the break, they should be able to use it.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Has Sprung!

I am happy to report that our students will be hard at work planting flowers when they return from the upcoming break. Due to the generosity of a business owner in Hartville, Ohio, I was able to pick up several thousand flowers this afternoon. Wave petunias, geraniums and other flowers will need to be transplanted before they make their way into your homes.

It is going to be short week! I know our students are excited about the upcoming break. I am excited, too.

Mr. Masucci