Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Family Science Night!

Last evening's Family Science Night was a huge success. I'd like to thank Bella's To-Go, Turning Technologies and Harbor Pet Center for their help. It was a pleasure working with these local businesses. In addition, I'd like to thank Mrs. Kountz, mrs. Titus and Mrs. Wlakam for taking the time to attend last night's event.

Most importantly, I would like to thank our 3rd grade students and families for heading back to school on such a nice night. From what I heard, a good time was had by all.

Mr. Masucci

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Although the temperatures have dropped the past few days, the sun continues to shine! Let's hope we have a nice weekend.

I have shared with our students the fact that we will conduct a tornado drill tomorrow. For some, they need to hear that this is only a drill and they are going to be perfectly okay. Tomorrow's drill will take place across Ohio and will begin at 9:50 a.m. We will hold at least one in April, May and June.

Have a wonderful evening.

Mr. Masucci

Monday, March 26, 2012

It's Monday!

This will be our last full week of school before Spring Break! With only nine days of school left before the break, I know our students will be excited. Let's hope the weather is as nice as it has been the past few weeks.

Friday will mark the end of the third grading period. Report cards will be heading home on Thursday, April 4th.

Tomorrow's Family Science Night for 3rd graders will begin at 6:00 p.m. There will be a variety of stations set up throughout the building that our students will visit.

Mr. Masucci

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Another Great Day!

Our 2nd graders had a wonderful day to visit YSU's Planetarium. Many of our students came back to school anxious to share details about the trip.

Plans have come together nicely for tomorrow evening's Mother-Son night. Mrs. Ogden has done a great job planning for this very special event. I hope to see as many of you there as possible.

Enjoy the nice weather. I have encouraged our students to visit the Poland Woods. This is always a great time of year to visit one of community's many treasures.

Mr. Masucci

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Nice Weather!

I apologize for not posting a message for a few weeks. I think I am finally back on track. With weather like this, it is easy to forget about the cold winter months. We will be planning to restart our building's walking program soon. It's always nice to get the students out of the building.

Our Steeler game was a huge success. I'd like to thank those who attended. The Steeler players were very gracious and seemed to enjoy themselves, too. I look forward to organizing another game in the future.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Mr. Masucci

Monday, March 5, 2012


Thanks to the generosity of Poland Union's students, staff and families and through the support of several local businesses I am happy to report that our school has granted the wish of a local child suffering from illness. More information will be shared with me by the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I will certain to pass it along. Our students have learned a valuable lesson about helping others, setting goals and working hard to achieve them. Great job!

The Scholastic Book fair will kick off tomorrow. Schedules were sent home on Friday. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school office.

Mr. Masucci

Friday, March 2, 2012

Radio Disney Tonight!

Tonight is the BIG night! Our Make-A-Wish efforts will conclude at the high school tonight. I am quite certain that once tonight's event is over our goal will be reached. I am exceptionally proud of our students, staff and families for their extreme generosity. It has taken only 42 school days to accomplish our goal. I'd also like to thank Crane Memorial, Cocca's Pizza and Poland Rotary for their support. In addition, Mrs. Wess was kind to enough volunteer her time to help count coins and make things easy for me. PNC Bank was also very helpful in handling all of the donations. Be proud everyone!

Enjoy the weekend.

Mr. Masucci